Dr. Gary Karlin Michelson, Found Animals Foundation, Forbes billionaire, 20 Million Minds, Alya

Dr. Gary Karlin Michelson, Found Animals Foundation, Forbes billionaire, 20 Million Minds, Alya
Dr. Gary Karlin Michelson, Found Animals Foundation, Forbes billionaire, 20 Million Minds, Alya

Friday, October 18, 2013

Breaking news!!! Just found documents which prove Philip Powers is innocent!

I've been making calls, emailing trying to get ahold of documents in the civil case Michelson v Campbell, Powers and the criminal cases against those two here in LA and in Costa Rica. Thank god I speak Spanish and know my way around the LA court system a little.

I have uncovered the transcript from the application for acquittal of Philip Richard Powers in Costa Rica. The Costa Rican courts wanted to acquit Powers stating there was no crime. "Application for final acquittal. Case: 07-001578-283-PE. Versus: Phillip Richard Powers. Crime: fraudulent management. Plaintiff: C and M Investment Group Limitada.Messrs.: Pavas Criminal Court. Third Judicial Circuit."

In this document the Court clearly states that there was NEVER an agreement for Powers to get a 6% commission on land sales to Gary Michelson. While Gary Michelson stated many times that there is such a document he was NEVER able to produce it. Obviously, Gary Michelson is lying. I believe that is perjury. He lied in his legal statement about me. He definitely committed perjury here in Los Angeles in my case. Plus, 6% commission on land sales in Costa Rica makes no sense.

The Court ruled that Powers was paid to plant and maintain teak farms which he did. The Court ruled that Powers bought the land as an independent individual. He did not buy the land for Gary Michelson or the C & M Investment group, i.e. Campbell and Michelson. The documents clearly show that Powers bought the land on his own, cleared title, removed squatters, prepared the land for teak farms and then sold the properties to Gary Michelson for a price Gary Michelson agreed upon after consulting his experts.

The document goes on to state that not only did Powers not defraud Gary Michelson but Gary Michelson did not lose any money. It turns out Gary Michelson made a lot of money. On top of this after Gary Michelson complained about the deals Powers offered to buy the properties back for what Gary Michelson paid. Gary Michelson refused because the properties were worth more. Powers then offered double what Michelson paid for the properties and Gary Michelson again refused.

The Costa Rican Court has clearly showed that Gary Michelson is a liar. Over the course of a few years Gary Michelson could NEVER produce a contract which stated 6% commission. The Court even stated that 6% commission does not make any sense in land deals in Costa Rica. Court stated no one would broker land deals for 6% commission. Court stated no crime was committed and Powers should be acquitted.

I'll post docs in the morning. Formatting is falling apart on me. I have official court documents.

Dr Gary Michelson, Michelson Prize, $75 million, Found Animals Foundation, Dr. Gary Michelson, Gary Michelson, Gary, Michelson, Gerald, Michaelson, Gary Michaelson, G Karlin Michelson, Mary Cummins, Animal Advocates, marycummins.com, animaladvocates.us, Gary Karlin Michelson, Gary K Michelson, Karlin Michelson, Alya Michelson, Aimee Gilbreath, teak, farm, billionaire, Forbes, lawsuit, fraud, pitbull, purebred, bribe, bribery, patent, spine, animal nut, patent troll, thief, criminal, childhood, philadelphia, pennsylvania, boca de canon, Los Angeles, California, Ed Boks, Edward Boks, Antonio Villaraigosa, steve cooley, jackie lacey, campaign, donation, district attorney, inventor, hall of fame, grandmother, hand, fire, burn, 20, million minds, text book, free, surgery, surgical, twenty million minds, dog, high school, law, lawyer, doctor, dr., Michelson Medical Research Foundation, foundation, wilshire, Karlin Asset Management, KAM, Found Animals Legislative Fund, mom, dad, mother, father, brother, Gracie, bull, spay, neuter, adopt, buy, capital, karlin ventures, david cohen, tianxiang zhuo, spinal, surgeon, ceo, Karlin Real Estate, charity, 501 3c, irs, nonprofit, non-profit, Gary Karlin Michelson M D Charitable Foundation, gay, homosexual, wayne pacelle, hsus, animal services, temple university, medical, school, born, flake, crazy, central high school, Hahnemann Medical College, drexel, jewish, russian, Medtronic, Wikipedia, grant, $25, $50, Kremlin, mail order bride, Karlin Holdings Limited Partnership, C & M Investment Group Limited, michelson technology at work, Karlin Opportunity Fund, Karlin OP, Medical Research Foundation Trust

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