Dr. Gary Karlin Michelson, Found Animals Foundation, Forbes billionaire, 20 Million Minds, Alya

Dr. Gary Karlin Michelson, Found Animals Foundation, Forbes billionaire, 20 Million Minds, Alya
Dr. Gary Karlin Michelson, Found Animals Foundation, Forbes billionaire, 20 Million Minds, Alya

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Cost of college education has not increased due to cost of books as Gary states. The cause is extra administration and new buildings

The article below in the NY Times states that colleges have told the public the rise in tuition was caused by a drop in government funding. Turns out the opposite is true. Government funding has increased yet tuition rates still rose disproportionately to price of car and professors salaries.


The real cause for the increase in tuition as per the article is the increase in administration staff and their salaries. Professors are making almost the same as they were in the 1970's.

I have another theory which I believe also applies to larger non-profit organizations. Most of these schools are non-profit organizations even though in most cases they are for profit in reality. Let's take USC for instance. When I went to school on scholarship 1982 tuition was $18,000 and included dormitory and food. Today tuition is $45,000 not including dormitory or food. The price of books is only slightly higher in today's dollars. My most expensive books were $75 and $100 used. I'd trade them back in end of year and got most of my money back.

I believe the main reason behind cost of college tuition is new buildings. USC is a non-profit organization. They make money off tuition, store, sports. They also derive income through donations. As a non-profit I can from experience state you can only get a donation for a building, physical asset or project. People mainly want to donate for say enclosures so they can see the physical result of their donation. In the case of USC they sell naming rights to buildings for about 25% of the construction costs.

In order to get donations universities have to keep on building or buying things. When the new buildings are finished maintenance costs for school goes up, i.e. utilities, insurance, janitors, security, administrators, assistants... As the school keeps growing, the cost to maintain the school keeps growing. There is an ever growing need for donations which forces the schools to keep on building and spending.

The donations don't benefit the students. USC really doesn't need more buildings yet they keep tearing down smaller buildings just so they can build bigger buildings and sell naming rights. They also start new projects in people's names with donations. These projects need administrators and other non-professor employees. This causes maintenance costs to increase. The projects don't benefit the school but sometimes the community for a short while like student tutoring programs.

This is why I'm all for online education for people beyond high school. I am for free digital books and digital video classes. I myself write manuals which are free. I post educational videos which are free. We really don't need a bricks and mortar building in which to learn book classes. We do still need some hands on labs for medical, dental students and the like. They just don't have to sit in a building for non-hands-on learning. Hopefully in the future we will veer away from physical schools and even office buildings with the help of technology. There is no reason for people to drive to a building and sit there for hours a day to learn. We would save so much money on costs, traffic and related expenses.

Dr Gary Michelson, Michelson Prize, $75 million, Found Animals Foundation, Dr. Gary Michelson, Gary Michelson, Gary, Michelson, Gerald, Michaelson, Gary Michaelson, G Karlin Michelson, Mary Cummins, Animal Advocates, marycummins.com, animaladvocates.us, Gary Karlin Michelson, Gary K Michelson, Karlin Michelson, Alya Michelson, Aimee Gilbreath, teak, farm, billionaire, Forbes, lawsuit, worth, married, fraud, pitbull, purebred, bribe, bribery, patent, spine, animal nut, patent troll, thief, criminal, childhood, philadelphia, pennsylvania, boca de canon, Los Angeles, California, Ed Boks, Edward Boks, Antonio Villaraigosa, steve cooley, jackie lacey, campaign, donation, district attorney, inventor, hall of fame, grandmother, hand, fire, burn, 20, million minds, text book, free, surgery, surgical, twenty million minds, dog, high school, law, lawyer, doctor, dr., Michelson Medical Research Foundation, foundation, wilshire, Karlin Asset Management, KAM, Found Animals Legislative Fund, mom, dad, mother, father, brother, Gracie, bull, spay, neuter, adopt, buy, capital, karlin ventures, david cohen, tianxiang zhuo, spinal, surgeon, ceo, Karlin Real Estate, charity, 501 3c, irs, nonprofit, non-profit, Gary Karlin Michelson M D Charitable Foundation, gay, homosexual, wayne pacelle, hsus, animal services, temple university, medical, school, born, flake, crazy, central high school, Hahnemann Medical College, drexel, jewish, russian, Medtronic, Wikipedia, grant, $25, $50, Kremlin, mail order bride, Karlin Holdings Limited Partnership, C & M Investment Group Limited, michelson technology at work, Infuse class action lawsuit, Karlin Opportunity Fund, Karlin OP, Medical Research Foundation Trust, Alya Michelson, Alya Gold, Alevtina Gold Michelson, Tina Gold, Alevtina Shchepetina, Alexander Shchepetina, Алевтина Щепетина, александр щепетин, sasha, ria novosti, USC, University of Southern California, Gary Michelson Center, Japanica, Russian mail order bride, T'n'G, test tube girl, smile, orel, russia, moscow, journalist, pathological liar, #deanflorez #foundanimalsorg #alyamichelson #20MillionMinds #drGaryMichelson #GaryMichelson #20MM #JAPANICA #Forbes #billionaire #infuse #lawsuit #classaction #usc * Disclaimer Legal disclaimer

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