Dr. Gary Karlin Michelson, Found Animals Foundation, Forbes billionaire, 20 Million Minds, Alya

Dr. Gary Karlin Michelson, Found Animals Foundation, Forbes billionaire, 20 Million Minds, Alya
Dr. Gary Karlin Michelson, Found Animals Foundation, Forbes billionaire, 20 Million Minds, Alya

Monday, June 30, 2014

Gary Michelson loses another lawsuit where someone "cheated" him - Crazy Forbes billionaire

Gary Michelson loses another lawsuit, Proskauer Rose, IRS, taxes, tax evasion
Gary, Gary, Gary, where do I start? How about with you just lost this lawsuit...  again. Gary Michelson lost his motion to reconsider Defendants' motion for summary judgment which Gary lost. Gary Michelson always appeals and files motions to reconsider which he loses.  I would think his lawyers would be honest with him and tell him he does not have a case. Maybe they are and he just says "I don't care. I'm Gary Michelson and I'll do whatever the hell I want!" Maybe they just want to make money. Below is the final order, ruling.


The main issue is this case is "Dr Gary Michelson cannot prove that he relied on Proskauer" when he bought the tax shelter. In this case Gary Michelson contradicts her own testimony again. He first states he never communicated with Proskauer. His attorneys communicated with Proskauer. Later he says Proskauer sent letters to his home. Gary then refuses to prove what his attorney related to him stating the conversations were privileged. The Judge even warned Gary that if he claims this privilege, there will be no evidence to decide who said what to whom when. Gary kept going down the stupid path anyway.

In this motion to reconsider there was no new evidence or law. The Judge still considered it even though he should have denied it outright.

Gary Michelson has said many, many, many times that he's a bad business man. He said that's why he hired David Cohen to manage all his investments in 2005. Then how did Gary Michelson continue to make mistakes since 2005? Gary Michelson must think he's smarter, wiser, more experienced than David Cohen which is not so. Gary Michelson is his own worst enemy. Gary keeps "cheating" himself with his poor judgment, lack of due diligence, complete lack of ability to judge people and investments. That's why I think he's mentally ill. He's making HUGE mistakes. He has hired great advisors, managers then he doesn't listen to them.

I think this case will be huge ammo for Neil and Richard. This shows Gary contradicts his own testimony and files frivolous complaints. It also shows Gary Michelson is indeed a very poor business man. Gary has stated this at least 20 times that I know of. David Cohen needs to take away Gary's checkbooks and credit cards before he makes even bigger mistakes.

The crux of the Proskauer case was when did Gary know what he relied upon about the tax shelters and from whom? I think that is a similar issue to the Costa Rican case. When did Gary know what about the land that he bought and from whom? Did Gary ever read the faxes Richard sent? I doubt Gary read all the faxes I sent. Just because I sent them doesn't guarantee he read them. So far all we know is that Gary saved the faxes. David Cohen was supposed to be in charge of all investments from mid 2005 and on. The current charges are only from December 2005 to the present. Then it was Cohen's responsibility to investigate the land purchases. Then it wouldn't matter what Richard sent to Gary unless Gary sent that to Cohen. Even then it was Cohen's job to properly investigate things. Maybe Gary should sue Cohen? Marten? Himself? Everyone?

From the transcript, pg 340 pdf, 234 txt, lines 5 - 18. Gary is answering Robert Knowles. Yes, Knowles asked these damning questions. If you read the section, Gary has many of his own advisors, accountants, business managers at this time reviewing, investigating his investments. Cohen tells Gary something is up with the land deals yet Gary continues. Cohen said he's not getting documents from Richard. Then Cohen should have investigated the records himself which he eventually did. Was Gary willing to turn a blind eye just to keep being friends with Neil? Neil is probably the only friend Gary has ever had in his entire life.









25 A. I think I can answer this very easily.
 26 There's a reason I hired a business manager. It was so
 27 I would not be involved in any way in this business. So
 28 I really can't tell you what Mr. Cohen received, didn't
 receive, what he did with it. I don't know.

Gary hired Cohen June 2005 if not earlier. July 7, 2005 David Cohen formed Karlin Asset Management a California corporation.

"David A. Cohen is CEO and Chief Investment Officer of Karlin Asset Management, a Los Angeles based private investment firm he co-founded in 2005. - See more at: http://www.20mm.org/david-cohen-biography/#sthash.MmmoywaO.dpuf "

Entity Number:C2756057
Date Filed:07/07/2005
Entity Address:11755 WILSHIRE BOULEVARD, SUITE 1400
Entity City, State, Zip:LOS ANGELES CA 90025

It appears then David Cohen is the one who did not properly investigate the land deals just like Gary's attorney did not properly investigate the tax shelters. Gary said David Cohen handled all of that from mid 2005 and on. The remaining charges are from December 2005 and on. That is when Cohen told Gary he is concerned about the land deals. Oddly enough David Cohen brags to everyone that Gary did so great in the Costa Rican land deals even until very recently! This case is beyond silly to the point of being surreal. I'm pretty sure Robert Knowles wants to add back the pre December 2005 charges for this reason. Gary admits he had his business manager David Cohen take over all his businesses and investments in mid 2005.

More damning evidence. David Cohen took over mid 2005. David Cohen mid 2011 brags that they did very, very well in teak farms in Costa Rica. I saved all the pages in case they delete them. Gary had 36.4 square miles. Cohen is just rounding up. This is the same exact land where Gary said he lost money. Which is it?

I posted this before but it's important enough to repost it. I saved the original as I do with everything before I posted it so it won't get deleted at the source. I also save the original to an independent third party website verification site so I have their time, date stamp that it is authentic. This is very telling. May 12, 2011 interview of David Cohen by Russ Alan Prince of Private Wealth.

"We also have a meaningful timber investment in Central American hardwoods. This includes building one of the world's largest teak plantations, which will be an excellent investment from a rate of return perspective and is tax efficient. As important is the fact that we are doing our part to reverse climate change with the replanting of 40 square miles of grazing land that was formerly rainforest with six million new trees."


This case was originally filed February 1, 2008. Gary filed a ton of lawsuits in 2007 to 2010 for people "cheating" him. How can they cheat him when he has had a business manager who has handled all his investments, businesses since 2005? You would not believe the number of legal filings in this case! Each side at one point was filing three items per day. Only one winning are lawyers.

http://www.law360.com has been following this story with five articles so far. I hope they write one about the outcome of this case.

Dr Gary Michelson, Michelson Prize, $75 million, Found Animals Foundation, Dr. Gary Michelson, Gary Michelson, Gary, Michelson, Gerald, Michaelson, Gary Michaelson, G Karlin Michelson, Mary Cummins, Animal Advocates, marycummins.com, animaladvocates.us, Gary Karlin Michelson, Gary K Michelson, Karlin Michelson, Alya Michelson, Aimee Gilbreath, teak, farm, billionaire, Forbes, lawsuit, worth, married, fraud, pitbull, purebred, bribe, bribery, patent, spine, animal nut, patent troll, thief, criminal, childhood, philadelphia, pennsylvania, boca de canon, Los Angeles, California, Ed Boks, Edward Boks, Antonio Villaraigosa, steve cooley, jackie lacey, campaign, donation, district attorney, inventor, hall of fame, grandmother, hand, fire, burn, 20, million minds, text book, free, surgery, surgical, twenty million minds, dog, high school, law, lawyer, doctor, dr., Michelson Medical Research Foundation, foundation, wilshire, Karlin Asset Management, KAM, Found Animals Legislative Fund, mom, dad, mother, father, brother, Gracie, bull, spay, neuter, adopt, buy, capital, karlin ventures, david cohen, tianxiang zhuo, spinal, surgeon, ceo, Karlin Real Estate, charity, 501 3c, irs, nonprofit, non-profit, Gary Karlin Michelson M D Charitable Foundation, gay, homosexual, wayne pacelle, hsus, animal services, temple university, medical, school, born, flake, crazy, central high school, Hahnemann Medical College, drexel, jewish, russian, Medtronic, Wikipedia, grant, $25, $50, Kremlin, mail order bride, Karlin Holdings Limited Partnership, C & M Investment Group Limited, michelson technology at work, Infuse class action lawsuit, Karlin Opportunity Fund, Karlin OP, Medical Research Foundation Trust, Alya Michelson, Alya Gold, Alevtina Gold Michelson, Tina Gold, Alevtina Shchepetina, Alexander Shchepetina, Алевтина Щепетина, александр щепетин, sasha, ria novosti, USC, Japanica, Russian mail order bride, T'n'G, test tube girl, smile, orel, russia, moscow, journalist, pathological liar, #deanflorez #foundanimalsorg #alyamichelson #20MillionMinds #drGaryMichelson #GaryMichelson #20MM #JAPANICA #Forbes #billionaire #infuse #lawsuit #classaction

Gary Michelson who "never" names things after himself names more things after himself

Gary Michelson who says he "never" names anything after himself has now named the 1,345,367th thing after himself, i.e. "Michelson Post-Injury Glial Scarring Initiative," "Michelson Fund for Global Awareness of NTDs," "Michelson Vaccine Initiative for Neglected Diseases."

Gary Michelson started yet another website devoted to promoting himself michelsonmedical.org It's a Word Press website. It reads as though it was written by someone who doesn't speak English as a first language. Alya? It reads as bad as the blogs she wrote about herself then was forced to delete. Some of copy/paste from his other websites but the stuff that was written was very poorly worded. Gary also forced her to get rid of her myspace singer page with those horrible photos and odd high pitched singing tracks with a bad fake Japanese accent.

Originally when I saw this blog entry I thought it must be some other Gary Michelson. Last time I was at his house it had no furniture, decor, rock wall or garden. Gary Michelson said he only lived in the living and bedroom so that was all he furnished. The other rooms were bare. If you look at current street view of his house, all you see is plants. Some with aerial view. Here is a photo from this year which shows the new fake rock wall. The image was taken by the paid for CSQ press release/article/editorial.

Gary Michelson, garden, rock wall, Forbes billionaire crazy
Turns out this is Gary's garden which Alya bought because she's imprisoned in the house and bored. This is what Alya's dad calls her "shopping therapy." Soon she will realize money will not make you happy. Money will force you to stay with an old creepy evil homosexual mentally ill person who will destroy you and steal your kids in a nanosecond on his whim. On top of this she'll never have sex, love, friends, freeeedom for the entire time of her existence with Gary.


This garden is so anti-environment on so many levels. One, it's a tropical garden which sucks up a ton of water and we are in a severe drought. This is the last thing you should plant. Two, it includes many non-native invasive species which she shipped over here. Birds will eat the seeds and disperse them in their feces into the native environment. Three, it has a super high carbon footprint. They trucked in an 8,000 lb tree! I thought Gary Michelson was supposed to care about the environment?

Obviously some landscape person latched onto Gary and Alya's money and ego. That person fleeced Gary of millions of dollars for non-native water sucking gaudy plants that no one else in LA would dare want. I bet Gary paid 10x what those plants were worth. These are not plants that a wealthy person in LA would want. Same goes with the revolting interior furnishings. I bet the people who sold these plants and furnishings to Gary are high five-ing themselves for charging them 10x what the items are worth.

Alya Michelson also bought a bunch of over priced gaudy furniture and decor items for the interior of the home. It really looks like nouveau riche crap. Her holiday decorations which she proudly showed off on Facebook were something you'd buy at a Rite-aid. These ghastly decor items are also not "green." They have a high carbon footprint and some were probably made with unfair labor. They look like reproductions.

Maybe Gary needs to send Alya to USC to study to keep her busy. Of course she'd probably find a hunky young heterosexual man and end up cheating on him. Perhaps it's better to lock her up in the castle by herself and force her to take online classes.

Dr Gary Michelson, Michelson Prize, $75 million, Found Animals Foundation, Dr. Gary Michelson, Gary Michelson, Gary, Michelson, Gerald, Michaelson, Gary Michaelson, G Karlin Michelson, Mary Cummins, Animal Advocates, marycummins.com, animaladvocates.us, Gary Karlin Michelson, Gary K Michelson, Karlin Michelson, Alya Michelson, Aimee Gilbreath, teak, farm, billionaire, Forbes, lawsuit, worth, married, fraud, pitbull, purebred, bribe, bribery, patent, spine, animal nut, patent troll, thief, criminal, childhood, philadelphia, pennsylvania, boca de canon, Los Angeles, California, Ed Boks, Edward Boks, Antonio Villaraigosa, steve cooley, jackie lacey, campaign, donation, district attorney, inventor, hall of fame, grandmother, hand, fire, burn, 20, million minds, text book, free, surgery, surgical, twenty million minds, dog, high school, law, lawyer, doctor, dr., Michelson Medical Research Foundation, foundation, wilshire, Karlin Asset Management, KAM, Found Animals Legislative Fund, mom, dad, mother, father, brother, Gracie, bull, spay, neuter, adopt, buy, capital, karlin ventures, david cohen, tianxiang zhuo, spinal, surgeon, ceo, Karlin Real Estate, charity, 501 3c, irs, nonprofit, non-profit, Gary Karlin Michelson M D Charitable Foundation, gay, homosexual, wayne pacelle, hsus, animal services, temple university, medical, school, born, flake, crazy, central high school, Hahnemann Medical College, drexel, jewish, russian, Medtronic, Wikipedia, grant, $25, $50, Kremlin, mail order bride, Karlin Holdings Limited Partnership, C & M Investment Group Limited, michelson technology at work, Infuse class action lawsuit, Karlin Opportunity Fund, Karlin OP, Medical Research Foundation Trust, Alya Michelson, Alya Gold, Alevtina Gold Michelson, Tina Gold, Alevtina Shchepetina, Alexander Shchepetina, Алевтина Щепетина, александр щепетин, sasha, ria novosti, USC, Japanica, Russian mail order bride, T'n'G, test tube girl, smile, orel, russia, moscow, journalist, pathological liar, #deanflorez #foundanimalsorg #alyamichelson #20MillionMinds #drGaryMichelson #GaryMichelson #20MM #JAPANICA #Forbes #billionaire #infuse #lawsuit #classaction

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Transcript of preliminary hearing in .txt, .pdf - Gary Michelson Forbes billionaire files charges against his BFF

The People of the State of California vs Philip Powers, Neil Campbell. Jackie Lacey by Robert Knowles, Walter Urban, Dyke Huish, Jonathan Michaels. Judge Michael Pastor. Gary Michelson.
Full transcript of the preliminary hearing which took place June 3, 2014 to June 11, 2014. 990 pages txt, 1,389 pdf. You can search/find by page number, date, person, keyword, volume... There were 12 sessions, six volumes, one for each of the six days. There were one to three sessions per day. I compiled them into one file making sure every page was included. I certify that the copy I have uploaded to the Internet is a true and correct copy of the original merely in a different format compiled as one document.

1.8 MB txt file

1.7 MB pdf file

I can print it to an ePub. Eme and ask for it.


I just read some of the parts when I wasn't there. Dr Gary Michelson admits he contacted the DA's office himself. He did not file a case with LAPD. That is improper. I'm sure he didn't file one with LAPD because they know he previously filed a false criminal complaint against another man. Michelson then admits he met with Steve Cooley to see if he would file a case against Neil and Richard. Gary admits Steve Cooley introduced him to other people in his office. Gary admits he then met with the investigator. This is extremely unethical.

Gary admits he met with Cooley in 2006 or 2007 about "another matter." That would probably be the Dave matter. He admits he met him in 2000 as well. Notice Cooley did nothing for Gary until after Gary gave him money. Gary became a billionaire in 2005.

This is interesting. Gary says his property should now be worth $120 to $130M. This is what Gary thinks was "stolen" from him. He says Richard took half of the money that Gary sent for land. That would be half of $23M. Gary states he thinks they stole the difference between what he paid and what he thinks, wants it to be worth today. Gary states he was defrauded of $100 million! He is delusional. Richard told him in writing the amount of return he should expect and Gary exceeded that. I bet if Gary were to buy a lotto ticket and not win, he would sue the store where he bought the ticket for his "loss." This case just keeps getting crazier. I bet Knowles is not too happy getting stuck with this ridiculous case.

Gary now says he sold the land for less than what he paid. He paid $23M and sold part for $32M. How is that less? Gary said he tried to sell it from 2007 to today and just sold it. This makes no sense as Richard offered to buy the property for $60M back in 2007 I think. Gary says Marten sold the property for him. If he did and it wasn't to a straw buyer, then Marten ripped off Gary Michelson, probably pocketed a huge commission, kickback. Gary needs to sue Marten. I ran numbers and the property was worth. Gary paid about $1,000/acre. The properties are now worth at a bare minimum $3,500/acre but more likely $5,000-$10,000/acre. 23,000 acres is worth between $115,000,000 and $230,000,000.

Gary contradicts himself all over the place. "Marten did not help me sell the property." "Marten did help me sell the property." "I never went to Costa Rica." "I went once." "I went a few times" "and a few more times." "I had a written commission contract with Richard." "I didn't have have a written contract but an oral one." "I had a written partnership contract with Neil." "I didn't have a contract, just the corporation documents which state what percentage each of us owns of C&M Investments." Is Gary even listening to the bullshit he's saying?

Gary says he sold most of the property in 2014 for $32M. Now he says he paid more than that to buy the properties and plant the trees. He actually paid $23M. Gary then said Richard offered $60M for the land and Gary said yes. He continues that Richard just never came up with the money. Gary's testimony is off the wall, all over the place, has no relationship with reality.

Based on this transcript I believe 100% that Steve Cooley, Jackie Lacey and Gary Michelson conspired together to falsely charge Neil and Richard with a non-existent crime. Steve Cooley has a long, long history of unethical behavior, so does his partner in crime Jackie Lacey, birds of a feather. Here is but one article about the horrible things Cooley has done. He went so far as to impound mail to prevent an anti-Cooley newsletter from reaching people in the DA's office. Mail is federal. I would bet Cooley can do more unethical things through his private "justice consulting" company.


Dr Gary Michelson, Michelson Prize, $75 million, Found Animals Foundation, Dr. Gary Michelson, Gary Michelson, Gary, Michelson, Gerald, Michaelson, Gary Michaelson, G Karlin Michelson, Mary Cummins, Animal Advocates, marycummins.com, animaladvocates.us, Gary Karlin Michelson, Gary K Michelson, Karlin Michelson, Alya Michelson, Aimee Gilbreath, teak, farm, billionaire, Forbes, lawsuit, worth, married, fraud, pitbull, purebred, bribe, bribery, patent, spine, animal nut, patent troll, thief, criminal, childhood, philadelphia, pennsylvania, boca de canon, Los Angeles, California, Ed Boks, Edward Boks, Antonio Villaraigosa, steve cooley, jackie lacey, campaign, donation, district attorney, inventor, hall of fame, grandmother, hand, fire, burn, 20, million minds, text book, free, surgery, surgical, twenty million minds, dog, high school, law, lawyer, doctor, dr., Michelson Medical Research Foundation, foundation, wilshire, Karlin Asset Management, KAM, Found Animals Legislative Fund, mom, dad, mother, father, brother, Gracie, bull, spay, neuter, adopt, buy, capital, karlin ventures, david cohen, tianxiang zhuo, spinal, surgeon, ceo, Karlin Real Estate, charity, 501 3c, irs, nonprofit, non-profit, Gary Karlin Michelson M D Charitable Foundation, gay, homosexual, wayne pacelle, hsus, animal services, temple university, medical, school, born, flake, crazy, central high school, Hahnemann Medical College, drexel, jewish, russian, Medtronic, Wikipedia, grant, $25, $50, Kremlin, mail order bride, Karlin Holdings Limited Partnership, C & M Investment Group Limited, michelson technology at work, Infuse class action lawsuit, Karlin Opportunity Fund, Karlin OP, Medical Research Foundation Trust, Alya Michelson, Alya Gold, Alevtina Gold Michelson, Tina Gold, Alevtina Shchepetina, Alexander Shchepetina, Алевтина Щепетина, александр щепетин, sasha, ria novosti, USC, Japanica, Russian mail order bride, T'n'G, test tube girl, smile, orel, russia, moscow, journalist, pathological liar, #deanflorez #foundanimalsorg #alyamichelson #20MillionMinds #drGaryMichelson #GaryMichelson #20MM #JAPANICA #Forbes #billionaire #infuse #lawsuit #classaction

Gary Michelson promised to fund his non-profits but instead asks other to donate - Forbes billionaire Alya

I remember December 2005 at Kathleen Riordan's house when the public first met Dr Gary Michelson. He said he started Found Animals Foundation to help make LA nokill. He offered HIS own personal money to fund HIS non-profit. Today he is instead asking others to donate money to him to fund his non-profits and causes. Gary always turns it around from giving money to taking money. He did the same with teak, i.e. "I just want to help the environment. I actually want to make 10x on my investment."

I just saw his main Found Animals demo reel.


He says in the last five years i.e. 2009 to 2014, intake and euthanasia has gone up. He said this is the problem he is going to solve with his foundation. He forgets that in December 22, 2005 he said he would make LA nokill. Intake and euthanasia has gone up since he started.He created part of this problem. One cause was Gary promising the Mayor money in exchange for hiring Ed Boks. Gary believed the stupid Newsweek article "American's dirty little secret" without investigating. Gary never investigates. The article was written by another for Ed Boks. The content of the article was lies just to promote Ed Boks so he could get a job because he was about to be fired. Boks tried to do the same thing when he got in trouble in LA. He asked me for $2,500 so he could pay Scully to ghost write another article praising Boks' "achievements."

Gary Michelson got Boks hired. Boks animal refusal program caused euthanasia to go up. The horrible economy made intake and euthanasia increase as well. Euthanasia has gone UP since Gary started helping meddling. Now that Gary has created part of the problem he will "fix" it. He will fix it by asking other people for money and starting a for profit non-profit "Adopt and Shop."

This idea first came up with Leon Seidman the Catnip King of Cosmos Catnip. A person in the city tried to nix it by saying it'd be illegal to have a store in the shelter built with bond money. I proved it would not be illegal. Then Heidi Heubner tried to snag the idea and it just died. Leon wanted to add an adopt and shop store in the soon to be opened shelters. Years later Gary wants to take credit for the idea. On top of that Gary asks for donations for Adopt and Shop. Below are some images of his "please, donate" pages. You can also see donations in his 990's.

Gary Michelson, Found Animals, donate, Mary Cummins Animal Advocates
In the image below he is asking people to vote for his non-profit so they can win dog food. If he wins, that means other real non-profits won't get the dog food. Gary is asking people to help him take food from other poor non-profits. WTH?! Doesn't he have enough money? Obviously not.
Gary Michelson Forbes billionaire begging for votes to win food.
Gary Michelson continues to beg for money in all his non-profits. He is a total hypocrite.

I'm trying to find a software so I can rip the video off a DVD I made of Gary Michelson's December 22, 2005 meeting where he said he'd make LA nokill.

Dr Gary Michelson, Michelson Prize, $75 million, Found Animals Foundation, Dr. Gary Michelson, Gary Michelson, Gary, Michelson, Gerald, Michaelson, Gary Michaelson, G Karlin Michelson, Mary Cummins, Animal Advocates, marycummins.com, animaladvocates.us, Gary Karlin Michelson, Gary K Michelson, Karlin Michelson, Alya Michelson, Aimee Gilbreath, teak, farm, billionaire, Forbes, lawsuit, worth, married, fraud, pitbull, purebred, bribe, bribery, patent, spine, animal nut, patent troll, thief, criminal, childhood, philadelphia, pennsylvania, boca de canon, Los Angeles, California, Ed Boks, Edward Boks, Antonio Villaraigosa, steve cooley, jackie lacey, campaign, donation, district attorney, inventor, hall of fame, grandmother, hand, fire, burn, 20, million minds, text book, free, surgery, surgical, twenty million minds, dog, high school, law, lawyer, doctor, dr., Michelson Medical Research Foundation, foundation, wilshire, Karlin Asset Management, KAM, Found Animals Legislative Fund, mom, dad, mother, father, brother, Gracie, bull, spay, neuter, adopt, buy, capital, karlin ventures, david cohen, tianxiang zhuo, spinal, surgeon, ceo, Karlin Real Estate, charity, 501 3c, irs, nonprofit, non-profit, Gary Karlin Michelson M D Charitable Foundation, gay, homosexual, wayne pacelle, hsus, animal services, temple university, medical, school, born, flake, crazy, central high school, Hahnemann Medical College, drexel, jewish, russian, Medtronic, Wikipedia, grant, $25, $50, Kremlin, mail order bride, Karlin Holdings Limited Partnership, C & M Investment Group Limited, michelson technology at work, Infuse class action lawsuit, Karlin Opportunity Fund, Karlin OP, Medical Research Foundation Trust, Alya Michelson, Alya Gold, Alevtina Gold Michelson, Tina Gold, Alevtina Shchepetina, Alexander Shchepetina, Алевтина Щепетина, александр щепетин, sasha, ria novosti, USC, Japanica, Russian mail order bride, T'n'G, test tube girl, smile, orel, russia, moscow, journalist, pathological liar, #deanflorez #foundanimalsorg #alyamichelson #20MillionMinds #drGaryMichelson #GaryMichelson #20MM #JAPANICA #Forbes #billionaire #infuse #lawsuit #classaction

Thursday, June 26, 2014

New Judge, attorney, motions, trial date in DA criminal case involving Dr Gary Michelson Forbes billionaire crazy

Yesterday was the post pre-trial arraignment in room 100. Lots of activity. I had to call the court to get information. I wish they'd post this online like they do with civil cases.

At the arraignment they were assigned Judge Richard S. Kemalyan div 121 on the 13th Fl.

Kemalyan went to UCLA for undergrad, Loyola for law school. He was accepted to the bar in 1976. He's currently running for re-election unopposed which means he won. He's been a judge since 2006.

Also announced which may come as a shock is Richard Power's attorney Walter Urban substituted out as Richard's attorney. Richard's current attorney is ... Jonathan Michaels. Yes, this attorney also represents Neil Campbell. Keep in mind Jonathan Michaels was brought in when Dyke Huish's co-partner/associated died days before the pre-trial. That is why pre-trial was postponed. Well, at least one reason.

Jonathan Michaels did a wonderful job at the pre-trial. He spoke very well, was animated, persuasive, passionate, had the penal codes memorized to the sub sub sections and already is up to speed on the facts and the matter of the case. In pre-trial Jonathan Michaels stated that everyone knows this is scorched earth litigation. No money was lost. No one was defrauded. Neil and Richard made Gary Michelson millions of dollars.

More shocking news. This is just politics I'm sure. Robert Knowles filed a motion to add the 43 or so dismissed charges back into the case. I doubt Knowles wanted to do this. I'm sure Gary Michelson pressured his good ole buddy ex-DA Steve Cooley to pressure his hand picked DA successor Jackie Lacey to pressure her Deputy DA Knowles into refiling. Those charges were dismissed fair and square for good cause. I'm sure Defendants will reply. The new Judge should not allow the dismissed charges to be added back. Otherwise what was the purpose of the pre-trial. Judge Michael Pastor ruled properly. Judge Michael Pastor is a complex litigation specialist which is why he was selected as the Judge for the pre-trial.

In other news the wheels of justice are rolling against corruption charges in the DA's office. The timing of Gary Michelson's campaign contributions, meetings with ex-DA Steve Cooley, current DA Jackie Lacey, current DA big wigs, date of commencement of the investigation, date charges were filed, data Jackie Lacey took office, awards party Gary threw for Cooley, Gary standing with DA Cooley at a DA press conference....are just way too coincidental. It appears that the DAs started working for Gary Michelson the second his checks to them cleared.

New motion may be heard July 24, 2014. Trial might start August 25, 2014. This trial will be longer than the pre-trial.

Dr Gary Michelson, Michelson Prize, $75 million, Found Animals Foundation, Dr. Gary Michelson, Gary Michelson, Gary, Michelson, Gerald, Michaelson, Gary Michaelson, G Karlin Michelson, Mary Cummins, Animal Advocates, marycummins.com, animaladvocates.us, Gary Karlin Michelson, Gary K Michelson, Karlin Michelson, Alya Michelson, Aimee Gilbreath, teak, farm, billionaire, Forbes, lawsuit, worth, married, fraud, pitbull, purebred, bribe, bribery, patent, spine, animal nut, patent troll, thief, criminal, childhood, philadelphia, pennsylvania, boca de canon, Los Angeles, California, Ed Boks, Edward Boks, Antonio Villaraigosa, steve cooley, jackie lacey, campaign, donation, district attorney, inventor, hall of fame, grandmother, hand, fire, burn, 20, million minds, text book, free, surgery, surgical, twenty million minds, dog, high school, law, lawyer, doctor, dr., Michelson Medical Research Foundation, foundation, wilshire, Karlin Asset Management, KAM, Found Animals Legislative Fund, mom, dad, mother, father, brother, Gracie, bull, spay, neuter, adopt, buy, capital, karlin ventures, david cohen, tianxiang zhuo, spinal, surgeon, ceo, Karlin Real Estate, charity, 501 3c, irs, nonprofit, non-profit, Gary Karlin Michelson M D Charitable Foundation, gay, homosexual, wayne pacelle, hsus, animal services, temple university, medical, school, born, flake, crazy, central high school, Hahnemann Medical College, drexel, jewish, russian, Medtronic, Wikipedia, grant, $25, $50, Kremlin, mail order bride, Karlin Holdings Limited Partnership, C & M Investment Group Limited, michelson technology at work, Infuse class action lawsuit, Karlin Opportunity Fund, Karlin OP, Medical Research Foundation Trust, Alya Michelson, Alya Gold, Alevtina Gold Michelson, Tina Gold, Alevtina Shchepetina, Alexander Shchepetina, Алевтина Щепетина, александр щепетин, sasha, ria novosti, USC, Japanica, Russian mail order bride, T'n'G, test tube girl, smile, orel, russia, moscow, journalist, pathological liar, #deanflorez #foundanimalsorg #alyamichelson #20MillionMinds #drGaryMichelson #GaryMichelson #20MM #JAPANICA #Forbes #billionaire #infuse #lawsuit #classaction

Gary Michelson 20 Million Minds Forbes billionaire, cost of tuition, books.

Gary Michelson via 20 Million Minds states the cost of books prevents people from getting a college education. Below are undergraduate costs of tuition and books. This does not include other fees such as dormitory, food, mandatory health insurance, fees, permits, IDs...

Public state university
UCLA tuition, books. CA resident $12,862 tuition, Books and supplies, $1,599 (12%). Non-resident tuition $35,000 (books 4%).

Private university
USC tuition, books. $45,602 tuition, Books and supplies, $1,500 (3%)

Public state two year city college
Santa Monica City College tuition, books. $1,104 tuition, $1,500 (135%) books and supplies. Non-resident $6,930 (21% books).

The only time the cost of books might be a factor is with public two year junior colleges. While the cost of the books is the same the tuition is much lower. Compared to public and private universities they are saving a lot of money on tuition. A two year degree won't help you land a better job. Only an undergrad degree at an accredited college or university can accomplish that. Dean Florez must have put this "problem" in Gary Michelson's head so Dean could "disrupt" then "fix" the non-existent problem because he termed out and really needs a job.

And again they can buy then resell used books or use the library edition. I did that in college even though I had a full scholarship. This way I was able to keep the savings.

Dr Gary Michelson, Michelson Prize, $75 million, Found Animals Foundation, Dr. Gary Michelson, Gary Michelson, Gary, Michelson, Gerald, Michaelson, Gary Michaelson, G Karlin Michelson, Mary Cummins, Animal Advocates, marycummins.com, animaladvocates.us, Gary Karlin Michelson, Gary K Michelson, Karlin Michelson, Alya Michelson, Aimee Gilbreath, teak, farm, billionaire, Forbes, lawsuit, worth, married, fraud, pitbull, purebred, bribe, bribery, patent, spine, animal nut, patent troll, thief, criminal, childhood, philadelphia, pennsylvania, boca de canon, Los Angeles, California, Ed Boks, Edward Boks, Antonio Villaraigosa, steve cooley, jackie lacey, campaign, donation, district attorney, inventor, hall of fame, grandmother, hand, fire, burn, 20, million minds, text book, free, surgery, surgical, twenty million minds, dog, high school, law, lawyer, doctor, dr., Michelson Medical Research Foundation, foundation, wilshire, Karlin Asset Management, KAM, Found Animals Legislative Fund, mom, dad, mother, father, brother, Gracie, bull, spay, neuter, adopt, buy, capital, karlin ventures, david cohen, tianxiang zhuo, spinal, surgeon, ceo, Karlin Real Estate, charity, 501 3c, irs, nonprofit, non-profit, Gary Karlin Michelson M D Charitable Foundation, gay, homosexual, wayne pacelle, hsus, animal services, temple university, medical, school, born, flake, crazy, central high school, Hahnemann Medical College, drexel, jewish, russian, Medtronic, Wikipedia, grant, $25, $50, Kremlin, mail order bride, Karlin Holdings Limited Partnership, C & M Investment Group Limited, michelson technology at work, Infuse class action lawsuit, Karlin Opportunity Fund, Karlin OP, Medical Research Foundation Trust, Alya Michelson, Alya Gold, Alevtina Gold Michelson, Tina Gold, Alevtina Shchepetina, Alexander Shchepetina, Алевтина Щепетина, александр щепетин, sasha, ria novosti, USC, Japanica, Russian mail order bride, T'n'G, test tube girl, smile, orel, russia, moscow, journalist, pathological liar, #deanflorez #foundanimalsorg #alyamichelson #20MillionMinds #drGaryMichelson #GaryMichelson #20MM #JAPANICA #Forbes #billionaire #infuse #lawsuit #classaction

Monday, June 16, 2014

Suspect campaign contributions, corrupt relationship with Steve Cooley by Gary Michelson, Forbes, billionaire,

The one thing that sticks out here is the large donation to Steve Cooley and Jacquelyn Lacey. Gary donated the max to both. Of course he could have also donated through Alya to double that. The check would have to come from her and maybe she doesn't have a bank account.

I would bet that Gary Michelson paid money to Steve Cooley's current private "justice consultant" business as well. I bet he gave millions. Gary Michelson spent 67 million in legal fees to fight Medtronic. He'd be willing to throw millions at Steve Cooley if he can get his ex-boyfriend thrown in prison. Steve Cooley already got Neil thrown in LA County jail which is one of the worst in the nation. I am amazed Neil is still alive.Here is Cooley's website. http://stevecooley.com/ The meta description for the site says "Steve Cooley & Associates is a professional consulting firm helping clients best navigate today's justice system." I guess that sounds better than "give me money and I will tell the DA to do whatever you want no matter how illegal, unethical or immoral that may be. Afterwards we can all go to lunch where you can thank me for destroying your ex-lover."

Here is a great article about Steve Cooley accepting a donation from a litigant. It was noted as improper. What Cooley and Lacey did in Gary's situation was even worse and more obvious. Gary went straight to the DA with this false criminal complaint because he knew LAPD would refuse to file it because Gary is a crazy liar. Gary gave documents to the DA. Gary made the donation then instant investigation and later filing. After it's filed Gary goes to lunch with Cooley and the heads of the DA to THANK THEM FOR CHARGING HIS EX-LOVER WITH A FALSE CRIME. Gary stated this in court a few times. He admitted it in open court. Gary also bought a ticket to go to a fundraising party for Lacey. Lacey then starts the investigation. Lacey was Cooley's almost self-picked replacement as he was termed out.

"Nevertheless, campaign watchdog groups raised questions about Cooley's acceptance of the donations, saying the contributions created the appearance of a conflict of interest.

"Any district attorney should have a rule that if his or her office is involved in litigation that he or she should not be receiving contributions from any litigant," said Bob Stern, president of the Center for Governmental Studies.

Doug Heller, executive director of Consumer Watchdog, said Cooley's campaign should return the money.

"This is political ethics 101," Heller said.

In an interview last week, Cooley said he knew nothing about the Warren case and that he trusted his attorneys would handle the matter appropriately.

"I don't know who this entity is and I know nothing about the case, which is exactly how it should be," said Cooley, whose office files more than 60,000 felonies and 100,000 misdemeanors each year. "Not knowing is sometimes the best position to be in."

Ya, well in the Gary Michelson case he personally knew the person, happily accepted the contribution then invited Gary to lunch to thank the corrupt people in his office who put this false case in motion. William Villasenor, Robert Knowles are just puppet slaves doing the bidding of Cooley and now Lacey. I bet Cooley and Lacey will make Knowles, Villasenor take the fall when the case falls apart. Lots of new evidence uncovered. Gary brags about bribing people! Gary brags that he MADE money on the investments. I think the defense needs to order a psychiatric, physical exam on main witness Gary Michelson and thorough discovery on relationship with the DA's office and Cooley.


In this case Gary gave Cooley an award. Cooley let Gary stand next to him in a DA press conference when Gary had nothing to do with it. This is all so many shades or wrong. Steve Cooley as the ex-DA has his secretary call Gary Michelson from Cooley's "justice consultant" private office to invite him to lunch. Cooley also invited the heads of the DA's office and they agreed to go to lunch work day work hour. They went to lunch and Gary paid.

Here is the operations chart for the DA office.


That means Gary met with Chief Deputy Sharon Matsumoto, Bureau of Investigations Chief Dominick Rivetti, Assistant Chief George Mueller, Curtis Hazell, ex-DA Steve Cooley and maybe Cooley's secretary on August 27, 2013. Based on a little research I did on these people I'm starting to think that anyone who wants to be the DA must be corrupt which is why he or she wants the position.

Gary Michelson is listed as an independent in voter registration. He primarily donates to democrats. Here are more campaign contributions. There are no contributions until 2006. Since then Gary has increased his political donations not just locally or in California but nationally.

He gave to Barbara Boxer, Beverly Hills/Los Angeles democratic group, McNerny for congress,


Also gave to Kevin de Leon democrat senator $3,900


Jeffrey Prang for assessor


Eric Garcetti for Mayor, Joe Buscano, Jack Weiss, Paul Koretz, Tony Cardenas,


HSUS legislative fund, Humane USA Political Action Committee, Corbette for congress, Ted Lieu


Looks like he donated over the limit and got a refund here. Donated to Pedro Nava, Das Williams, Californians for Humane Farms, Steve Cooley $6,500 twice 08/02/2010 and 04/01/2010, Tom Torlaksin, Lloyd Levine, Sally Havice


Jacquelyn Lacey, Jeffrey Prang


You have to search "g michelson" and "k michelson" and "michelson."

Dr Gary Michelson, Michelson Prize, $75 million, Found Animals Foundation, Dr. Gary Michelson, Gary Michelson, Gary, Michelson, Gerald, Michaelson, Gary Michaelson, G Karlin Michelson, Mary Cummins, Animal Advocates, marycummins.com, animaladvocates.us, Gary Karlin Michelson, Gary K Michelson, Karlin Michelson, Alya Michelson, Aimee Gilbreath, teak, farm, billionaire, Forbes, lawsuit, worth, married, fraud, pitbull, purebred, bribe, bribery, patent, spine, animal nut, patent troll, thief, criminal, childhood, philadelphia, pennsylvania, boca de canon, Los Angeles, California, Ed Boks, Edward Boks, Antonio Villaraigosa, steve cooley, jackie lacey, campaign, donation, district attorney, inventor, hall of fame, grandmother, hand, fire, burn, 20, million minds, text book, free, surgery, surgical, twenty million minds, dog, high school, law, lawyer, doctor, dr., Michelson Medical Research Foundation, foundation, wilshire, Karlin Asset Management, KAM, Found Animals Legislative Fund, mom, dad, mother, father, brother, Gracie, bull, spay, neuter, adopt, buy, capital, karlin ventures, david cohen, tianxiang zhuo, spinal, surgeon, ceo, Karlin Real Estate, charity, 501 3c, irs, nonprofit, non-profit, Gary Karlin Michelson M D Charitable Foundation, gay, homosexual, wayne pacelle, hsus, animal services, temple university, medical, school, born, flake, crazy, central high school, Hahnemann Medical College, drexel, jewish, russian, Medtronic, Wikipedia, grant, $25, $50, Kremlin, mail order bride, Karlin Holdings Limited Partnership, C & M Investment Group Limited, michelson technology at work, Infuse class action lawsuit, Karlin Opportunity Fund, Karlin OP, Medical Research Foundation Trust, Alya Michelson, Alya Gold, Alevtina Gold Michelson, Tina Gold, Alevtina Shchepetina, Alexander Shchepetina, Алевтина Щепетина, александр щепетин, sasha, ria novosti, USC, Japanica, Russian mail order bride, T'n'G, test tube girl, smile, orel, russia, moscow, journalist, pathological liar, #deanflorez #foundanimalsorg #alyamichelson #20MillionMinds #drGaryMichelson #GaryMichelson #20MM #JAPANICA #Forbes #billionaire #infuse #lawsuit #classaction

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Gary Michelson may have a genetic deformity. Forbes, billionaire, teak plantation

Gary Michelson looks and acts very differently than his brothers and family members. Gary's head is shaped oddly and his hair line is too low. He used to grow his hair longer then have it cut to hide the shape of his head. He no longer does that. He claims he has large hands. People have told me he looks like he has slight microcephaly but he is of course intelligent. True "pin heads" are mentally challenged.

I met a doctor who'd met both Gary and his brothers. He said Gary always looked and acted extremely differently than his brothers. He agreed that his head is malformed and his body looks different than his brothers. He's also had major social issues his entire life. In high school his brother was in clubs, played sports, had lots of friends. Gary was not a member of any club, did no sports and was not in any group. If you look at his yearbook, he is the only one without listed interests. He only lists he wants to be a lawyer. This is probably why he had no friends growing up. He also had a separate address from his brothers even though he was in the same grade.Here they are same year in the same school and same grade even though Eric is older.

It seems there are a host of genetic and congenital issues which cause an odd shaped head, lower hair line, social, behavioral problems while leaving them with average or above average intelligence. They said they'd get back to me if they can pin point it.

I just did some research. A too low hairline is abnormal. It show signs of development problems. Large hands are also a deformity. Misplaced, oddly rotated ears is another sign. Odd skull shape is a definite sign. So are high arched brows. These are the symptoms of autism which would explain Gary's social issues and shyness at times. One can have normal or higher intelligence with autism. Rodger Elliot was a basically functional person on the autism scale who was intelligent. This is what I mean about his skull shape. If you were to see him in person, you would recognize that something is very different. If you'd ever had to relate to him in person, you will instantly realize his social and behavioral issues. I would bet he has Asperberger syndrome. He is either highly talkative talking to you on the phone for hours about animals or he doesn't talk at all especially in public face to face meetings.

Another symptom of Asperger is not being able to make eye contact, read body language, understand sarcasm or subtle emotional cues. Elliot Rodger believed men hated him and women didn't want to date him. He thought women rejected him so he hated them. Women did not reject Elliot as he never asked anyone out. I've noticed a theme with Gary. Everyone has cheated him. Everyone has wronged him. His mother ignored him. He had no friends growing up and it was all their fault.

People with Asperger stick to themselves, get intensely immersed in a project like patents. Gary admits he only worked, worked out, walked his dogs and tinkered with patents for years. With Gary he was also intensely immersed in acquiring money. He probably thought that would make everyone love him and he'd be happy. He even tried risky tax shelters then he got popped by the IRS for tax evasion. He's even hiding money in one of his non-profits. He also wanted everyone to think he was a great guy so he started these foundations. He thought that would make people love him but it hasn't. The only people around him now are solely there for his money.

Here's an example of his odd behavior. I had just been at his house few days earlier talking about animal issues. He's fine talking on the phone, at his house or on issues he is very familiar with. These are also symptoms of Asperger syndrome. I then saw him at the Genesis Awards. I was supposed to sit at his table. I met him in the hall and said "Hi, Gary, glad you could make it here tonight." He stared at me with a blank then almost frightened expression as he looked at my chest. Then he looked at my face with a blank stare while I said "I'll just meet you at the table" as I walked away. He still stood there. Recently people have told me he still does this at public events.

Few minutes later he is seated at Kathleen Riordan's table next to Dave. I bring my boyfriend over to introduce him. My boyfriend was jealous of the amount of time I was spending working on Gary's projects. I really needed to introduce him so he wouldn't think there was any monkey business. I say to Gary, "Hi, Gary, I'd like you to meet my boyfriend ****." Gary looks over with a blank stare at me and him, then Gary turns his head away and shoos, waves us away with the back of his hand. Dave shrugs his shoulders. I decided to go sit at another table while my boyfriend fumed all night. We ended up leaving early for this reason. There is definitely some deep seated behavioral social issue with Gary. Everyone who has met him will agree.

Just read that autism and these symptoms also correlate with genital malformations i.e., "hypospadias (the opening of the urethra, where urine emerges, is lower than it should be), cryptorchidism (undescended testes), chordee (curved penis), and micropenis." That would explain an awful lot especially the "lobster claw" and "palming a bowling ball with Wilt Chamberlain" references.

I just took a photo of Gary Michelson as a younger man and uploaded it to a site which rates attractiveness, health, facial features based on mathematical ratios of facial features based on research findings on health and beauty. This is the 1/5 and 1/3 rules. I used a younger photo because as we age our noses, ears get longer and our faces sag. It said Gary Michelson's face is asymmetric on every single level, deformed and legally "ugly" "unhealthy" based on research. He got a five on a scale of one to ten. Five doesn't sound that bad actually. Oddly enough Gary thinks he's "super good looking" and tells people that. I ran a pic of me and got a nine plus. It said everything was in perfect proportion but my eyes are a tiny bit too big proportionately. Perhaps I should have loaded up a pic of me without eyeliner? "Beauty" is actually based on how healthy one is perceived by outward signs. People who are "ugly" generally have bad genes for mating. This is why men are attracted to feminine young pretty women with proportionate facial features and bodies and women are attracted to strong, manly, powerful men. They are more likely to make healthy babies who will be protected.

Dr Gary Michelson, Michelson Prize, $75 million, Found Animals Foundation, Dr. Gary Michelson, Gary Michelson, Gary, Michelson, Gerald, Michaelson, Gary Michaelson, G Karlin Michelson, Mary Cummins, Animal Advocates, marycummins.com, animaladvocates.us, Gary Karlin Michelson, Gary K Michelson, Karlin Michelson, Alya Michelson, Aimee Gilbreath, teak, farm, billionaire, Forbes, lawsuit, worth, married, fraud, pitbull, purebred, bribe, bribery, patent, spine, animal nut, patent troll, thief, criminal, childhood, philadelphia, pennsylvania, boca de canon, Los Angeles, California, Ed Boks, Edward Boks, Antonio Villaraigosa, steve cooley, jackie lacey, campaign, donation, district attorney, inventor, hall of fame, grandmother, hand, fire, burn, 20, million minds, text book, free, surgery, surgical, twenty million minds, dog, high school, law, lawyer, doctor, dr., Michelson Medical Research Foundation, foundation, wilshire, Karlin Asset Management, KAM, Found Animals Legislative Fund, mom, dad, mother, father, brother, Gracie, bull, spay, neuter, adopt, buy, capital, karlin ventures, david cohen, tianxiang zhuo, spinal, surgeon, ceo, Karlin Real Estate, charity, 501 3c, irs, nonprofit, non-profit, Gary Karlin Michelson M D Charitable Foundation, gay, homosexual, wayne pacelle, hsus, animal services, temple university, medical, school, born, flake, crazy, central high school, Hahnemann Medical College, drexel, jewish, russian, Medtronic, Wikipedia, grant, $25, $50, Kremlin, mail order bride, Karlin Holdings Limited Partnership, C & M Investment Group Limited, michelson technology at work, Infuse class action lawsuit, Karlin Opportunity Fund, Karlin OP, Medical Research Foundation Trust, Alya Michelson, Alya Gold, Alevtina Gold Michelson, Tina Gold, Alevtina Shchepetina, Alexander Shchepetina, Алевтина Щепетина, александр щепетин, sasha, ria novosti, USC, Japanica, Russian mail order bride, T'n'G, test tube girl, smile, orel, russia, moscow, journalist, pathological liar, #deanflorez #foundanimalsorg #alyamichelson #20MillionMinds #drGaryMichelson #GaryMichelson #20MM #JAPANICA #Forbes #billionaire #infuse #lawsuit #classaction

David Cohen brags that Gary Michelson did great in teak farms, Forbes, billionaire, crazy

I posted this before but it's important enough to repost it. I saved the original as I do with everything before I posted it so it won't get deleted at the source. I also save the original to an independent third party website verification site so I have their time, date stamp that it is authentic. This is very telling. May 12, 2011 interview of David Cohen by Russ Alan Prince of Private Wealth.

"We also have a meaningful timber investment in Central American hardwoods. This includes building one of the world's largest teak plantations, which will be an excellent investment from a rate of return perspective and is tax efficient. As important is the fact that we are doing our part to reverse climate change with the replanting of 40 square miles of grazing land that was formerly rainforest with six million new trees."


So which is it? Did Gary Michelson lose or make money in teak farms? David Cohen spoke with Gary Michelson about his teak farm investment in 2005. Six years later he states it's an excellent investment from a rate of return perspective and is tax efficient." Three years after that all of a sudden it was a shit investment? Teak has been doing well since 2011. That means the investment should have been worth more.

According to David Cohen's bio he is a most excellent investor, investing consultant with many years of experience. He states Gary Michelson's holding companies have done so well they have even won awards. Also note that he said they intentionally bought grazing land to turn into teak farms. Gary Michelson on the stand said he wanted farm land, not grazing land. Not only do the numbers bounce all over the place but so do the facts.

In Gary Michelson's own press release he again brags about his trees. This is again 2011.

"Dr. Michelson strives to live simply by doing his own grocery shopping and driving an 8 year old, pet-friendly American-made vehicle. A firm believer of doing in life what brings you joy; he decided to put his money to good use by giving it away. Michelson acquired land in Costa Rica and Panama and to date has planted in excess of 3.5 million trees. He also founded and funded two charitable organizations; a medical research foundation which primarily focuses on genetic research, and Found Animals Foundation a 501(c)(3) private operating foundation dedicated to animal welfare."

Here again in late 2007, after he filed lawsuits against Richard, he brags about his trees to Forbes magazine.

"Temple U. grad studied medicine at Hahnemann (now part of Drexel U.). Made first fortune as a surgeon inventing spinal implants. Settled nasty intellectual property lawsuit with medical device maker Medtronic in 2005. Payoff: $1.4 billion. "I don't think I've spent one penny of that money." Set up 2 foundations: one supports scientific research, the other strives to save unloved pets. Says philanthropy funded by investment gains. Has planted 3.5 million teak trees in Costa Rica since 1999."

2009 in Forbes he's expanding his teak farms into Panama.

40 square miles is 25,600 acres. In court the figure was close to 23,000 acres. Perhaps David Cohen is just estimating. 23,000 acres is about 36 square miles.

Here Gary admits he had 36 square miles, not 40. He also admits he's a shitty business man.

"But in a 2007 interview with the Business Journal, Michelson gave some indication that he was having problems with people and money. "I've been burned a couple times," he said. "I got lied to because I wasn't scrutinizing enough. That's when I realized I needed to hire staff."


Dr Gary Michelson, Michelson Prize, $75 million, Found Animals Foundation, Dr. Gary Michelson, Gary Michelson, Gary, Michelson, Gerald, Michaelson, Gary Michaelson, G Karlin Michelson, Mary Cummins, Animal Advocates, marycummins.com, animaladvocates.us, Gary Karlin Michelson, Gary K Michelson, Karlin Michelson, Alya Michelson, Aimee Gilbreath, teak, farm, billionaire, Forbes, lawsuit, worth, married, fraud, pitbull, purebred, bribe, bribery, patent, spine, animal nut, patent troll, thief, criminal, childhood, philadelphia, pennsylvania, boca de canon, Los Angeles, California, Ed Boks, Edward Boks, Antonio Villaraigosa, steve cooley, jackie lacey, campaign, donation, district attorney, inventor, hall of fame, grandmother, hand, fire, burn, 20, million minds, text book, free, surgery, surgical, twenty million minds, dog, high school, law, lawyer, doctor, dr., Michelson Medical Research Foundation, foundation, wilshire, Karlin Asset Management, KAM, Found Animals Legislative Fund, mom, dad, mother, father, brother, Gracie, bull, spay, neuter, adopt, buy, capital, karlin ventures, david cohen, tianxiang zhuo, spinal, surgeon, ceo, Karlin Real Estate, charity, 501 3c, irs, nonprofit, non-profit, Gary Karlin Michelson M D Charitable Foundation, gay, homosexual, wayne pacelle, hsus, animal services, temple university, medical, school, born, flake, crazy, central high school, Hahnemann Medical College, drexel, jewish, russian, Medtronic, Wikipedia, grant, $25, $50, Kremlin, mail order bride, Karlin Holdings Limited Partnership, C & M Investment Group Limited, michelson technology at work, Infuse class action lawsuit, Karlin Opportunity Fund, Karlin OP, Medical Research Foundation Trust, Alya Michelson, Alya Gold, Alevtina Gold Michelson, Tina Gold, Alevtina Shchepetina, Alexander Shchepetina, Алевтина Щепетина, александр щепетин, sasha, ria novosti, USC, Japanica, Russian mail order bride, T'n'G, test tube girl, smile, orel, russia, moscow, journalist, pathological liar, #deanflorez #foundanimalsorg #alyamichelson #20MillionMinds #drGaryMichelson #GaryMichelson #20MM #JAPANICA #Forbes #billionaire #infuse #lawsuit #classaction

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Time line of Gary Michelson, Neil Campbell and Richard Powers - Forbes billionaire

I've put together a time line. This is to show the "coincidence" in the timing of the campaign donations, awards, press conference and charges being filed against Gary's ex-friend Neil.

  • April 2005 Gary gets $1.3 billion settlement from Medtronic
  • December 22, 2005 Gary tells everyone at Riordan's house that Dave is his Director and his Found Animals Foundation will use spayneuter to make LA nokill for animals
  • December 25, 2005 David Cohen tells Gary something is wrong in Costa Rica

  • February 2006 Gary sees my "Boks meet and greet" presentation and hires me as consultant.
  • June 2006 I'm let go from Found Animals as Dave is taking it in another "direction"
  • June 2006 Gary did not honor the contract he had with Dave. Dave threatened to quit if he didn't. Gary said he'd "ruin" Dave if Dave quit. Dave quit. Gary always threatens to "ruin," "destroy" people.
  • June 2006 Gary went to the LAPD and tried to file a false criminal complaint against Dave. LAPD refused to do anything because no crime was committed, not one penny was taken.
  • July 31, 2006 Gary is telling everyone including Ed Boks that Dave embezzled money and the LAPD won't do anything about it. Gary asks me, Boks, Mayor to help him get the LAPD after Dave.
  • August 2006 Gary calls me and tells me LAPD filed charges, have an arrest warrant and just need to find Dave. He asks me where he is and I tell him. He tells me I was not fired.
  • September 2006 Gary again asks me where is Dave and I tell him via fax.
  • September 2006 Gary calls up Dave's vendors, defames Dave which causes vendors to stop doing business with Dave.

  • January 1, 2007 Andre Marten tells Gary the land and trees don't add up
  • March 21, 2007 Dave finds out about Gary's defamation and calls me up yelling that he will sue Gary. City asks LAPD if charges were filed and they said no because there was no crime. LAPD states Gary is a "liar," "crazy" and "no money" was taken. I verified that charges were not filed against Dave and started apologizing and letting people know the truth.
  • September 2007 Gary files criminal complaint against Powers in Costa Rica
  • October 10, 2007 Gary files civil complaint against Powers in California
  • October 18, 2007 Dave sues Gary in civil court in California
  • December 18, 2007 Dave dismisses his case after a settlement from Gary. Gary never even answered it.

  • September 26, 2008 Gary writes a totally false perjured statement about me for LA City.
  • November 17, 2008 Neil is added to civil case in CA against Powers

  • January 15, 2009 Neil answers Gary's civil case in CA
  • June 2009 I finally see Gary's perjured statement about me and tell him to retract it. He refuses.
  • June 15, 2009 Neil moved from California to Florida
  • July 2009 Juli Campbell buys a house in Sarasota, Florida.

  • 2010 Gary refiles, reopens criminal case against Powers and Campbell in Costa Rica
  • 2010 Gary Michelson donates $13,000 to DA Steve Cooley
  • November 2, 2010 Cooley declares himself the winner of the race for Attorney General
  • November 22, 2010 final votes are counted and Cooley actually lost

  • May 5, 2011 Gary wins a default against Neil's house. Title must be transferred to Gary.
  • May 19, 2011 Judge orders Campbells to move out of house in 30 days

  • January 26, 2012 Gary stands with Cooley at a DA press conference
  • April 25, 2012 Gary Michelson donates $1,500 to DA candidate Jackie Lacey in the form of a ticket to a fundraising party where he met her
  • May 2012 Senior DA Investigator William Villasenor first got case from the DA
  • June 6, 2012 Neil's ex house now owned by Gary sold for $1.95M
  • July 16, 2012 Gary Michelson donates another $1,500 to Lacey
  • December 2012 Cooley retires from DA
  • December 3, 2012 Lacey becomes the new DA
  • December 2012 DA investigator William Villasenor goes to Costa Rica to investigate.

  • March 21, 2013 charges are filed against Neil and Richard in Los Angeles
  • June 7, 2013 Neil Campbell is arrested in Idaho
  • June 19, 2013 DA Lacey releases news of the arrest of Campbell, Powers
  • August 27, 2013 Gary has lunch with Cooley and DA's office during work week
  • October 19, 2013 Gary gives Cooley an award for something he never did. I just realized that Aimee gave the wrong credit. Cooley did not start the animal cruelty task force but the animal cruelty prosecution program to standardize prosecution. 

  • June 11, 2014 140 counts dropped to seven with addition of conspiracy in pretrial
For some reason Gary Michelson's, Neil Campbell's and Richard Powers' criminal files are gone from lasuperiorcourt.org . I only see their name and dates. All charges are missing. I searched a few more people and their charges are still listed. I saved a print out of their previous charges. It's not a computer, browser or website issue.

Dr Gary Michelson, Michelson Prize, $75 million, Found Animals Foundation, Dr. Gary Michelson, Gary Michelson, Gary, Michelson, Gerald, Michaelson, Gary Michaelson, G Karlin Michelson, Mary Cummins, Animal Advocates, marycummins.com, animaladvocates.us, Gary Karlin Michelson, Gary K Michelson, Karlin Michelson, Alya Michelson, Aimee Gilbreath, teak, farm, billionaire, Forbes, lawsuit, worth, married, fraud, pitbull, purebred, bribe, bribery, patent, spine, animal nut, patent troll, thief, criminal, childhood, philadelphia, pennsylvania, boca de canon, Los Angeles, California, Ed Boks, Edward Boks, Antonio Villaraigosa, steve cooley, jackie lacey, campaign, donation, district attorney, inventor, hall of fame, grandmother, hand, fire, burn, 20, million minds, text book, free, surgery, surgical, twenty million minds, dog, high school, law, lawyer, doctor, dr., Michelson Medical Research Foundation, foundation, wilshire, Karlin Asset Management, KAM, Found Animals Legislative Fund, mom, dad, mother, father, brother, Gracie, bull, spay, neuter, adopt, buy, capital, karlin ventures, david cohen, tianxiang zhuo, spinal, surgeon, ceo, Karlin Real Estate, charity, 501 3c, irs, nonprofit, non-profit, Gary Karlin Michelson M D Charitable Foundation, gay, homosexual, wayne pacelle, hsus, animal services, temple university, medical, school, born, flake, crazy, central high school, Hahnemann Medical College, drexel, jewish, russian, Medtronic, Wikipedia, grant, $25, $50, Kremlin, mail order bride, Karlin Holdings Limited Partnership, C & M Investment Group Limited, michelson technology at work, Infuse class action lawsuit, Karlin Opportunity Fund, Karlin OP, Medical Research Foundation Trust, Alya Michelson, Alya Gold, Alevtina Gold Michelson, Tina Gold, Alevtina Shchepetina, Alexander Shchepetina, Алевтина Щепетина, александр щепетин, sasha, ria novosti, USC, Japanica, Russian mail order bride, T'n'G, test tube girl, smile, orel, russia, moscow, journalist, pathological liar, #deanflorez #foundanimalsorg #alyamichelson #20MillionMinds #drGaryMichelson #GaryMichelson #20MM #JAPANICA #Forbes #billionaire #infuse #lawsuit #classaction

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Judge made final ruling on prelim today. Most charges dropped, bail reduced, Gary Michelson is not "reasonable"

Counts 1-43 are dismissed due to statute of limitations. Normally one would have four years from time of discovery of an alleged crime to file charges. One can get an extra three years if the Defendant was out of the country. Therefore the DA had seven years. The Judge ruled the start date was December 2005 when David Cohen told Gary Michelson that something was wrong. As per 803(d) the time starts when a "reasonable person should have been aware of possible fraud." The DA tried to argue that it should be from January 2007 when Andre Marten gave Gary Michelson a report which showed things were not quite right.

Judge stated "I think GM is an honorable, trusting, compassionate individual but that's not the standard. The standard is 'actual knowledge' and 'reasonable person.' There was ample evidence even if the Defendants tried to obfuscate. He should have been on notice."

Court gave State leave to amend their complaint to add the 50th claim of "conspiracy." Conspiracy would be two or more individuals who conspire to commit a criminal act and commit an overt act in furtherance of agreement. They don't actually have to commit the act. I believe the DA added this charge because they know no crime was committed. No money was stolen or lost.

They are now left with only claims 44-49 and 50 or seven charges. Judge ruled that the court believes there is sufficient cause to believe Defendants may be guilty of charges 44-50. Everyone was very relieved. Court reduced Neil's bail to$500K. Based on what I know I'm now pretty sure the DA will lose the case. They will be arraigned June 25, 2014 8:30 am room 100.

Neil's attorney spoke to Judge about settling or resolving the case. Judge said he believed it could be settled but it's not up to him. Now I'll start from the beginning because many interesting things happened today. My comments in ( ). Same key to people's abbreviations.

I got there at 1:30 pm because I was busy. The main issue again was Statute of Limitations as viewed under Zamora. JM argued that the DA did not show evidence to support that N lived out of the country for three years as per 803(d). He argued that by March 2006 a reasonable person would have had suspicions. The statute of limitations is in favor of the accused.

JM: "N would be prejudiced because things happened so long ago from 1999 to 2006. (I must say that Jonathan Michelson did a fantastic job, so did Dyke Huish and Walter Urban. The Judge even stated they did a great job lawyering the case.)

Because of length of time the evidence has been spoiled or is simply not available (banks only legally must keep records for five years). Wells Fargo admitted they received a subpoena but the records were destroyed. This is the most severe prejudice. N has no ability to get docs which show he didn't receive wired money. GM controlled all the info, data and simply waited. It was his decision. Neil's life is in jeopardy, his freedom is in jeopardy! N did not receive the wire transfers. Even Comerica Ex 54 said they don't have the records therefore while they were received by the court they carry no weight. GM and his legion of attorneys controlled all the data and gave them to the DA. GM has an axe to grind. This is scorched earth litigation. We don't know if the docs are doctored or photoshopped."

JM then shows five of Power's signatures to show how they are all very different. "How in the world is N able to defend himself? From 1999 to 2014? Even GM said 'I don't remember because it was so long ago.' This is why we have a statute of limitations. GM thinks he sent $29M to CR. He has no docs that show they (Defendants) bought it for less. There is no evidence the money was wired and used for other purposes other than buying land. There is not one shred of evidence N even received the money.

Count 1, 11/10/2000 supposedly N and P took $910K. There is no evidence. All of the deeds were not accepted as evidence (because DA forgot to get them translated into English). All the counts are the same.

Comerica number for $ wired is $28,996,000. If we add up counts 1-49 as the DA's expert did yesterday in the hallway it comes up to $33,340,943. We have a morass of numbers bouncing all over the place.

If we are intellectually honest we have a famous billionaire in LA County. He gets the attention the rest of us don't. He had lunch with DA Steve Cooley, Kirk Hazel, Captain, Chief, Asst Chief. I wouldn't get that attention, neither would a normal person who filed a complaint.

What really happened was GM is pissed off. GM is a money hungry person. He invested $29M and wanted $120M. In mediation he even said "sell it for $60M then we can all go home." If he'd sold it for $60M we would have no crime and wouldn't be here today. GM wired $29M and bought 23,000 acres. He did no effort in finding the properties, clearing them, building roads, adding culverts... He sold the land for $32M we just find out. He also got $2M from N's house."

Judge, "Did you introduce that into evidence?"

JM: "Okay, forget that. GM was trying to be cute about that issue."

K: "However GM wanted to reference N's house in Florida..." (K admits GM is quite off in stating it was GM's house)

JM: "GM has $32M and still has 2,000 acres. Did he keep the most valuable land and sell the shit? We don't know."

U: "We still have a criminal and civil case in CR which are pending. We don't know how the hard drive was obtained by CR DA. Was it obtained legally? We have no jurisdiction there. The hard drives shouldn't be used for those reasons. Jurisdiction is in CR. The case has not been proven. In a state fraud case regarding real estate commission and contract must be in writing. Gary said there was a contract but it turns out there was not. The numbers are bouncing all around. What was actually taken? Where is the evidence? We join with N in the Zamora Statute of Limitations issue."

J: "The Zamora allegation. I am very concerned. (to Knowles) Can I direct you? Don't address tolling or subject matter jurisdiction."

K. "801.5. The statute of limitations runs from the completion of the act. Ex 49-77 June 2006. May 2006 there was a request for maintenance money. N made a purchase of a car and motorcycle. There was a wire for money. It was completed June 27, 2006. GM was entitled to a fiduciary duty and the duty of a friend. P also had a fiduciary duty as he had a power of attorney to buy on behalf of C&M. Both defendants assured GM many times he was not being cheated. 12/30/2005 David Cohen discovered an issue. The discoverer has the right to rely on people with fiduciary relationship as a partner".

J: "I thought it was March 26, 2006?" (I thought same thing)

K. "It was June 21, 2006. When I filed it I picked March 2006 as safe time. Now I know the real time so I changed it to the later time (He didn't put it in amended complaint). It is the point of completion or discovery, whichever is later. January 1, 2007 Andre Martin gave a report to GM which put it over the top that the Defendants tried to obfuscate the truth. Defendants hid the truth, facts."

J: "GM should have realized there might be fraud in late 2005 (when David Cohen said something was very wrong). Please, address tolling."

K: "In deposition in Florida N admitted he left California June 15, 2009. He was arrested in Idaho where he was living. He left a residential complex with his daughter in his car when he was arrested."

J: "Florida is one thing. Idaho is another.  The standard is a 'preponderance' of the evidence. Here we have not met that burden."

K: "N was arrested months before statute of limitations if we use June 22, 2006, four years plus three takes us to June 15, 2012."

J: "JM do you wish to address the date as per 805?"

JM: "Discovery verses completion of a supposed crime. The email date K is using is not the basis of the claim. They could be talking about something in the past. We don't even know if those docs are correct. If the doc is correct, someone requested funds. There is no argument that this money was to have been used for improper purpose or siphoned off. We don't know if the $30K went to buy the Augusta motorcycle. The fact is Neil's here in a jumpsuit and GM was here in a suit. That doesn't mean Gary's in the right. 12 days ago the DA amended the complaint. They did not change the discovery date of March 26, 2006.When K concluded he said the date of count one was 2005. For counts 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 30, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 43 they were outside of the statute of limitations. Therefore all these counts must fall by the wayside. They have not shown that crime was intentionally hidden. Count 2 began in 2003 but no evidence it closed after January 2006. Only two counts in 49 after January 1, 2006, 48 and 49.

Tolling, It was stipulated N left Cali June 15, 2009. This was filed March 22, 2012. We only stipulated to that for one hearing. A human being has been ripped from his family. We will agree to 16 months but not three years. N didn't live in Idaho."


U: "Def Exh E is withdrawn."

DH: "I'd like to submit these two exhibits as illustrative aids."

K: "GM did not try to delay. 9/2007 he filed a criminal complaint in CR. It was dismissed then refiled in 2010. 2007 GM sued defendants in civil court. GM got nothing for his efforts in civil court. (GM got N's $2M home. P and N have no money. There is nothing more to get except a pound of flesh and that is what GM wants) The prejudice actually hurts prosecution more than defendants. GM did what he could, got nothing then filed this. $8M was siphoned off. In all honesty I wish GM brought it to us in 2007, 2008 or even 2009 but he didn't. The June 21, 2006 email shows they were scheming for money. They prevented real information from getting to GM. January 2007 GM finally heard the truth from Marten. This is not just bad business practice but fraud."

J: "Prosecution would be barred if 801.5 I am bound by evidence at this hearing.If N was domiciled out of state, do people have a case?"

K: "October 2010 in a deposition in Florida N told Paisley he left Cali June 2009. He was found in Idaho. Three years after they leave the state is when the statute of limitations begins to run."

J: "This has been quite a ping pong match. I'm quite impressed with the lawyering. With real good private lawyers like this I end up doubting myself."

JM: "And 1999 was the Clinton administration." (this had to do with Knowles saying he didn't even know who was President in 1999 because it was so long ago.)

K: "They siphoned off $8M."

JM: "Objection, there is absolutely no evidence as the deeds were excluded. He was not out of state for three years. They have provided no evidence of where N lived after he lost his house in Florida even though they could have. Just because he was arrested in Idaho means nothing."

Case is submitted:

"This case involves extremely complex legal issues.(The Judge is named as a Judge for extremely complex legal issues) The lawyering here has met and exceeded my expectations. I've been on the bench for 31 years and when I make my decision I know not everyone is going to be happy.

1. Subject matter jurisdiction. Calif has jurisdiction of any alleged criminal activity. It doesn't matter if there is a CR action. GM met defendants here. GM was on the phone here. It doesn't matter if there is also jurisdiction in CR.

2. 803(d). I believe a reasonable person should have been aware that something was wrong when GM's trusted advisor David Cohen told GM December 2005 that something was very wrong. GM's business advisor evaluated the situation and notified GM. I think GM is honorable, trusting, compassionate individual. That's not the standard. Actual knowledge and reasonable person is the standard. There was ample evidence even if they tried to obfuscate. He should have been on notice.

3. Tolling. 803(d) I don't accept the limitation. I accept the People's argument. Defendants did live outside California. The burden is a preponderance. People have met both burdens of proof of three years.

Counts 1-43 are dismissed. Counts 44-49 I deny dismissal. Count 50 can be added. Amended motion granted. 44-49 will sustain as true. There is sufficient cause to believe they may be guilty of counts 44-50."

DH: "I would like no bond and N to be released on his own recognizance or with a monitor and he surrenders his passport. Or $50K with a monitor, turn over passport."

J: "Bail is set at $500K." (Neil's chin started to quiver and he put his hand over his mouth and closed his eyes. Looks like he was trying not to cry. Obviously he does not have the money to bail out. Back to having to drink water out of the toilet and not being allowed to sleep, eat or shower.)

June 25, 2014 arraignment room 100 8:30 am.

DH: "Can we talk about a settlement or resolution?"

J: "I expect resolution of this case. I think this case can be resolved." (I assume they mean plea deal for N?)


Here is my hypothesis for why Gary Michelson "waited" so long to file a criminal case here in California. He didn't wait. He tried to file one but was shut down by the LAPD.

Keep in mind late summer 2006 Gary Michelson tried to file a false criminal complaint against his ex-director (Complaint http://www.marycummins.com/dave_loftus_v_gary_michelson_redacted.pdf ). The LAPD investigated and found that no crime was committed. No one stole, embezzled, forged any checks, took any money. Sound familiar? GM told me, deputy mayor, Boks, everyone that Dave was charged. There is a warrant out for his arrest. He'll be arrested any day. I stupidly believed him and told GM where Dave was. After I found out the truth I apologized profusely to Dave and made sure everyone knew the truth of the matter.

LAPD detectives told me, Boks, Mayor that GM is just "crazy" and a "liar." GM may have had buyer's remorse and some personal issue with Dave but Dave did not steal a penny. In fact GM owed Dave money. Dave ended up suing GM for this SEPTEMBER 2007. GM instantly gave Dave money to settle the case. The settlement is confidential. In a criminal case if a party needs to see a confidential doc so they may have due process of law, they may see it.

GM most likely tried to file a criminal complaint against another "ex-biz partner" here in LA around the time he filed one in October 2007 in CR. I'm sure GM was shut down by the LAPD because of his past history of filing false criminal complaints against people. GM gave up on trying to file the criminal complaint for a while.

Then GM remembered the conversations he had with me and Dave. If you want a politician, government, police to do anything for you, you must give them money. I said it as matter of fact. I didn't suggest it. GM then said "how much money should I offer the Mayor to hire Boks?" Dave told him "$10M." GM told him to offer the Mayor $10M. I later said "that is bribery, you know. Generally people give campaign contributions to the legal max for each voting primary. You can't just give money." GM said "why not?" I told him about the law. He shrugged his shoulders. GM has a criminal record because he repeatedly had his dogs off leash at the beach.The law does not apply to him. He also didn't neuter or license his dogs also against the law. He also has too many dogs.

GM was also going to give money to two people involved with ADL and ALF if they'd lay off the Mayor. I told him he should not speak with these people let alone do business with them. He ended up going water skiing with them. I think the LAPD might have spoken to Gary about that at that time. I'd have to look that up in my records. Those people laid off the Mayor and dept. I believe an arrangement was made.

Back to the campaign donations to the ex DA Steve Cooley and the current DA. GM donated max to Cooley who lost. Then he donated max to Jackie Lacey who won her race for DA. Criminal charges were filed almost immediately after GM gave money to Lacey. We're talking less than a week. Coincidence? I think not. I posted all those docs earlier.

Dr Gary Michelson, Michelson Prize, $75 million, Found Animals Foundation, Dr. Gary Michelson, Gary Michelson, Gary, Michelson, Gerald, Michaelson, Gary Michaelson, G Karlin Michelson, Mary Cummins, Animal Advocates, marycummins.com, animaladvocates.us, Gary Karlin Michelson, Gary K Michelson, Karlin Michelson, Alya Michelson, Aimee Gilbreath, teak, farm, billionaire, Forbes, lawsuit, worth, married, fraud, pitbull, purebred, bribe, bribery, patent, spine, animal nut, patent troll, thief, criminal, childhood, philadelphia, pennsylvania, boca de canon, Los Angeles, California, Ed Boks, Edward Boks, Antonio Villaraigosa, steve cooley, jackie lacey, campaign, donation, district attorney, inventor, hall of fame, grandmother, hand, fire, burn, 20, million minds, text book, free, surgery, surgical, twenty million minds, dog, high school, law, lawyer, doctor, dr., Michelson Medical Research Foundation, foundation, wilshire, Karlin Asset Management, KAM, Found Animals Legislative Fund, mom, dad, mother, father, brother, Gracie, bull, spay, neuter, adopt, buy, capital, karlin ventures, david cohen, tianxiang zhuo, spinal, surgeon, ceo, Karlin Real Estate, charity, 501 3c, irs, nonprofit, non-profit, Gary Karlin Michelson M D Charitable Foundation, gay, homosexual, wayne pacelle, hsus, animal services, temple university, medical, school, born, flake, crazy, central high school, Hahnemann Medical College, drexel, jewish, russian, Medtronic, Wikipedia, grant, $25, $50, Kremlin, mail order bride, Karlin Holdings Limited Partnership, C & M Investment Group Limited, michelson technology at work, Infuse class action lawsuit, Karlin Opportunity Fund, Karlin OP, Medical Research Foundation Trust, Alya Michelson, Alya Gold, Alevtina Gold Michelson, Tina Gold, Alevtina Shchepetina, Alexander Shchepetina, Алевтина Щепетина, александр щепетин, sasha, ria novosti, USC, Japanica, Russian mail order bride, T'n'G, test tube girl, smile, orel, russia, moscow, journalist, pathological liar, #deanflorez #foundanimalsorg #alyamichelson #20MillionMinds #drGaryMichelson #GaryMichelson #20MM #JAPANICA #Forbes #billionaire #infuse #lawsuit #classaction